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Women pears
My humble artwork for ADBUSTERS.

As many people, I consider corporations as a plague.

Fukushima, 2011, Japan :

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In Japan, the government began to take serious measures, raising the level of radiation allowed
for children who live around Fukushima...
logo Bright
Under the broad umbrella of the naturalistic worldview, the constituency of Brights can undertake social
and civic actions designed to influence a society otherwise permeated with supernaturalism.
So, I am a Bright.
Women pears
We cannot laud the equality between all the human beings without being feminist.                       
You can share this commitment on the site of ENCORE FÉMINISTES.

As many men, I support their acts, in particular against the prostitution.

Une Pub Greenpeace
No way to be an actor of our time without an awareness of the ecological problems 
of the economic system!

I invite you to support GREENPEACE, as I do for years.

What would you say about a cartoon describing the incredible history and operation of banks ?

It is MONEY AS DEBT from Paul Grignon (1998), already seen by two millions amazed people !

Le revenu de base
The basic income, by Daniel Häni and Enno Schmidt

The basic income, by Daniel Häni and Enno Schmidt
Income is like the air under the wings of the bird.
            And it would be a civil right if there was a basic income.
Welcome - on earth!
            Today everyone has an income, more or less. Otherwise he could not even survive.
            But the question is: how and under what conditions?
(Excerpts from the booklet).

You can also watch this movie with English subs (or even Japanese subs) here.

More info on these sites:

and in French:
NB: I have no personal connection with this initiative, but it seems to me particularly interesting.
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